Few things touch me more than the fond memories of my childhood. I guess we all have varying degrees of, or at least guilty in some respect of sendimentality toward the memories of our childhood. Why I'm such a sentimental fool I guess can be put down to my childhood, my Grandpa Shelton and his wonderful influence on me. That's the reason I do everything I can to be 'Grandpa Shelton' to my own offspring. But my six little 'Best Buddies In The Whole Wide World' (four grandaughters and 2 boys . . .) thinks that's OK! For years my wife has urged me to write these stories down and so, after much prodding, I finally started writing them down, and even set them on my site. So, if these are good, blame them on me, if not, blame them on her! These stories are true. They are things I remember, many as just a small tot. But, these things helped give me a direction in life that is worth more than all the money in the world. Keep in mind I've tried to use the same verbiage, pronunciation and spelin' that we used back in them there days . . . :-) . . . and if you think something is not 'writ' right, just go back, read it again, and just let the simpleness of it sink into yer brain . . . Now don't you go gettin stoop-ed on me now . . . (grin) Yeah, there's no doubt I've dangled a participle here and there (a sure fire paddling offense from Mrs. Rowton . . .(grin)), and no matter how many times I proof-read, I get to the point of reading what I wanted it to say, instead of what's actually on the page. I've misspelled words, left out words, changed and added, sometimes making sentences unintelligible . . . (sigh), all because I decided to rearrange a sentence to read the way I want it to read. If you see a picture not working or a link that's goofy, please let me know: Send Sir George an Email Writing to html code is getting trickier by the day as they bring on new languages and "helps." Little tricks that has worked for years now suddenly won't work no matter what you try thanks to the MS Vista and MS 7. I personally think they need to reimburse the billions that people have spent and go back to XP!! The new software is nothing but junk! Plus, I'd like to hear from you. Let me know if these stories have blessed you, or you can relate to them. I am splitting off and arranging all these stories on their own individual pages. I'm also paying a little closer attention to conventional spelling . . . (not the spellin' of Sir George), and attempting changes (although quite abrupt), in correcting these mistakes. Thanks for your patience while I stop and try to fix them. (With me continually working on them, refresh your pages often.) But, I do hope these stories will liven your heart and give you some kind of an idea of the wonderful privilege it is to grow up on a farm anywhere, but especially, in Arkansas . . . - - - - - - - |
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