Darrel Lee Ruth with wife Trudy Elise Wolf, and first of two daughters, Elizabeth Jean.
Darrel Lee Ruth
Darrel Lee Ruth 11/24/1942 Trudy Elise Wolf 05/19/1948 Wed: 06/16/1968
Elizabeth Jean Ruth 10/26/1969
Eric Miles Ruth 08/21/1988
Jennifer Elyse Ruth 01/29/1990
Brittany Anne Ruth 02/17/1992
Alyssa Marie Ruth 07/13/2007
Christopher Lee Ruth 01/09/2004
Michelle Lee Ruth 04/19/1971 Rick Jasper 03/02/1968 Wed: 08/27/1988
Ashley Joelle Jasper 02/02/1989
Eric Ryan Jasper 12/14/1990