(Place mouse over faces for names)
Family Member Names
Dave and Savannah Hensley were Rubys grandparents on her paternal side. Her father, Ott, was standing between his parents, Dave and Savannah seated.
Arthur "Ott" Hensley with his sister Sally prior to his wed of Lee Ola Johnson.
Arthur Leroy Hensley Prior to his union with Lee Ola Johnson,
Ott (Arther) & Lee Ola (Johnson) Hensley, biological parents of Ruby Lois (Hensley) Ruth with two of their five daughters. Standing is Ruby Lois, and in her mothers arms, is Eva Jewel.
Ott and Lee Ola Hensley would have six children total. Their youngest was a girl by the name of Barbara Lee Ola Hensley. She was born on April 9, 1939. Lee Ola was buried three days later.
Here is shown Ott Hensley and the children of Lee Ola (Johnson) Hensley at day of her funeral.
Immediately after the funeral, Sally, Ott's (Arthur) sister came to help and manage the household while he worked and attempted to provide a living for the family. She is holding Barbara.
The girl at the left is Daisy Hensley, a younger sister of Otts.
Here is shown extended family of Ott & Lee Ola (Johnson) Hensley at day of her funeral 04/12/1939.
This picture shows the children at about one year later. In front is Barbara, second row is Betty, Jewel and Virginia. Top row is Herschel and Ruby.
Times were really hard. Money was very scarce and this can be seen by the manner in which those in this picture are dressed. Remember, these are their very best, the "Sunday go to meeting best . . . ," as they just attended the funeral of their mother. In other pictures all the girls are barefooted, and probably were here too. To make it, they had to "farm out" as many children as they could find homes for.
This picture shows the family after the funeral. Sally, Otts sister, was standing in as mother and is shown here holding Barbara. Christine, another sister of Otts, is standing on the left.
After the union of Ott and Lois Marie Spencer, the family was split up and several of the children were "farmed out" to live with others.
In this picture Richard has already been taken away to live with Johnny and Ellen Johnson. Later, Ruby went to live with Leonard & Dora Hamil, Eva Jewel went to Leon and Barbara Stobaugh, Virginia Eufalla (Ginger), went to live with Aunt Carrie,
But, he wasn't long single and proudly displayed his new bride.
Ott Hensley and his new bride, Lois Marie Spencer. They married less than a year later.
Ott Hensley and his new bride, Lois Marie Spencer.
This picture is of children from this new marriage: front: Dean, Donny, Shirley back: Virginia, Sonny, Barbara. (Note: Virginia and Barbara in back row from first marriage.)
Here is seen Ruby Lois (Hensley) Ruth and toddler Judy, with her Dad and stepmother.