

here is little that unsettles a person more than the invasion of privacy, having ones home digs broken into, someone else rifling through your personal belongings and stealing whatever they want.

Having been the victim of some crime, having items you worked so hard to obtain stolen is quite a hard pill to swallow.  Violence is even harder to swallow.  Sometimes it pushes one to take the law into their own hand especially when the wheels of justice turn so slowly.  But it has to be the lowest of lows when someone deliberately takes the life of one who fights so gallantly for the good.

The inspiration for this book came from following a police vehicle through the car wash one day.  I can't imagine how vulnerable they must feel in places like this.  And this, on a daily basis.  Although they are just as much a human being as us, sometimes we tend to forget that they face this very sort vulnerability in every phase of their lives.

My wish is that one day they will feel security, respect and honor for the work they do and have done in securing these factions for us.  I've set a Thin Blue Line on every page of this particular book.  It is in honor of those who protect us, toeing the mark of that thin line.


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