
Chapter XVI

hief Amanda Williams was quite a smart lady, but her street smarts and connections served her as well as her diplomas and degrees.  She was a rough and tumble sort of person who didn't mind wading into a brawl and had proved it on more than one occasion.

The night she was made Chief of Police was a night to remember and the events leading up to that moment made William chuckle, then he had to reach for his hanky to wipe the tear that followed.  He loved her as a colleague, a fellow police officer, a comrade, a superior, and most of all, as a friend.

One of her street connections netted her one of the pistols and told of the deal which went down to secure the discs and the weapons.  She would not rat him out, but she had made very clear details on the situation and how it all went down.  In those details were how Slayton, the street name for the organization which was involved with the gun running was revealed.

She was on her way to deliver that very news when she was murdered.  William knew she was aware of Mary, Lela, Grace and Trace, but had not proven out their identities, only that they were involved.  The shootings after the first four were merely coverup shootings.  And, another seeker of the loot, or the monies received from the running, was the owner of the Pep Boys Franchises in the thirty mile circle.

Not only did he want that stack of money, he wanted vengeance on those who'd destroyed his children.  This was understandable.  The greed for the stash was not the vengeance he sought, although he would be prosecuted for that.  But he'd had a helping hand in making Danny disappear too.  The whole deal as she had learned had went down with Danny boosting the discs and the weapons from the Police Department in La Dago.

Chief of Police Clemens was the brains behind the whole ordeal and used a dirty contact within the CIA to grab the embossed letterheads, field the calls, etc.  His right hand man, Daniel Diver was to arrange for one of the Chiefs henchmen to 'break in' to the Police Headquarters and remove the discs and the weapons.

But Clemens was not aware of the double dealing of Daniel, his right hand man.  Danny Grayson, the ladies man, and Ron Phelps right hand man, informed by Daniel Diver to hit the place immediately after closing for the night, then meet him to hand over the goods and get his payment.

Slick.  But Daniel Diver was trying to keep up with too many details.  The heist was made, the turnover was made, the payment was made, but Ron Phelps was left out of the deal.  The following day, Daniel Diver delivered the discs and the weapons to Slayton in Santa Cruz, but was double crossed and shot.

But to Slaytons dismay, Daniel Diver slipped away.  He'd already stashed the discs and the weapons in an old Pep Boys warehouse on the edge of Monterey, then high-tailed it back toward safety in Stillwell Creek.  Danny Grayson, being a fellow crook, took him to his step-moms for treatment, and she'd finished him off by removing the needed organs and dumping his carcass in the mine.

Ron Phelps own son, Benjamin, was out on parole and was seen in the company of Tessa.  Immediately Chief Clemens sent his four henchmen to deal with the matter, eliminate the problem and bring Tessa home.  Benjamin was shot and left for dead by the henchmen.  When Ron found Benjamin in his La Dago store he was very close to death.  Danny was called by Ron Phelps who delivered him to his step mom, Mary, who again made short work of him not recognizing who he was.

All she knew was there was a tattoo on his upper arm.  When inquired of, Mary stated she had 'treated' a man with a rose and pistol tat.  That's how Benjamin, Ron's own son was murdered thus and dumped.  Danny Grayson, was spared and went into hiding.  Had Ron known the reason Benjamin was shot, he would have capped Danny himself.  Chief Clemons hencemen just got the wrong guy.

Because of Danny, both daughters had been deflowered and the younger one had run away with him to marry him.  At that time Ron only knew she was missing but not how or why.  She had an organ which someone was willing to a huge amount of money for, and Danny delivered her.  But Danny knew she'd been 'harvested' and dumped because he had drugged her.  But he did not know where Rhonda was.

Because of Danny, Ron had lost one of his stores.  Because of Danny, his boy had went to prison for running drugs.  And, it was because of Danny that both girls had become druggies.  When Rhonda went to the morgue to identify Danny, she was instantly relieved, but knew the corpse was her brother.  She would not correctly identify him which would jeapordize her chance at marrying Danny.

So now, William had learned most of what Chief Amanda Williams was about to deliver.  The folder in which all that information was located did not surface for a while being misfiled.  It was forwarded to Chief Coker as soon as it was found.

William now wondered where Danny was.  Although he'd never met him, he would know him as soon as he saw him.  And that introduction was about to take place in an old warehouse located on the outskirts of Monterey.


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