
Chapter XII

ictor picked up his phone and texted his right arm man.  Wilson Rainy had flown in the week prior and was helping with the case and it's growing mountainous pile of evidence which was leading to nowhere.

Put out a summons for Ron Phelps and have him hauled in ASAP.  "It's time Mr. Phelps answered some more direct questions" he said as set his phone down.  He then added, "Has anyone followed the information on his son who was reported to be in prison?"

None of the men there had an affirmative answer so Victor sent another text.  Find out about Benjamin Phelps.

Chief Banty asked "What do we know about Police Chief Viceroy Clemens, of La Dago?  I think his daughters name is Tessa.  He supposedly sent four henchmen to off Danny, but if our new information is correct, they got the wrong guy.

Lane answered when Victor sat studying the question before answering.  "I've heard on three different occasions that Clemens was dirty.  His second hand man was facing an accusation last year made by a prisoner.  I heard later the action was dropped due to lack of evidence.

"I think I heard about that case" Chief.  Len then finished.  The prisoner had committed suicide by hanging himself with a rope made of bed sheets.  Pretty coincidental if you ask me . . . "

"Wasn't he the one that 'accidently' left the safe open the night of the transfer?"

"The one and the same Chief" Len responded.

Before they could finish their breakfasts, Sharon, Melinda and Ellen sauntered in.  Ellen had stood outside while the ladies parked then they all walked in together.  "Triple trouble comin' through the door" Victor said jokingly.

"Yeah, just call us the Three Russkateers" Ellen responded.  "By they way Mr. Bension.  What does a person have to do get a job with the Stillwell Police Force?"

"Well, have you any credentials?" he responded.

"Would it help to say my hubby's got a boatload of experience that should cover us both?"

"You're hired!" said Victor.  And that was that!  Ellen Coker was now the newest member of the Stillwell Township Police Department and The Team.

The news they received before they parted company was that a building had exploded somewhere in the neighborhood of where the Travis's lived.  Instantly, William and Sharon's gut feeling kicked in.  They looked at each other nervously and then hurried to their vehicles.  This killing thing had gotten out of hand.  It was time to put a stop to it.


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Chapter XII