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![]() Chapter IV | |
Melinda didn't get to spend much time with her as she was taking care of William Jr. who had been called Bill or Billy. And she was extremely concerned for all the Police officers of Stillwell Creek. Security around the Police Precinct had been stepped up as well as the investigation and location attempts of the RN. But with no success, the search had been abandoned with the exception of those placed on the case. Victor was back in Sacramento, William was home helping take care of William Jr., and Sergeant Daniel Martin had been voted in as Chief of Police the day following Williams shooting. He was worried sick over Sharon and spent every moment with her when he wasn't home watching Billy. He was itching to go when Melinda finally arrived to pick up Billy. He had a little cough and she was going to doctor him up for the night. "Some mentholatum on his chest, a baby aspirin, feed, burp and change him and he'll be good as new come morning" she chided. William was listening only out of courtesy and was really in a hurry to go. Chief Daniel was pulling up in front of his house when he walked out the front door. "Howdy Chief. How's it going?" he asked. "Hello William. Everything's fine on my end. How about you? And Sharon?" "Just leaving to go see her Chief. What's up?" "Well, I don't know if you've been brought up to speed on the shootings or not, but we've learned a little about the shooter. How much time you got?" asked the Chief. "Well Chief, I'm kind of anxious to go sit with Sharon. Why don't you drop by the hospital after while. I'll be able to spend some extra time with you, OK?" "That's fine. I'll see you about three." William shook his hand stepped toward his pickup. It was the last time he would ever have the chance to speak with Chief Daniel. An hour later he was sitting beside Sharon who was showing some real signs of improvement. His phone rang and it was Lane. "William, there's been another shooting. Chief Daniel was headed toward an appointment for a one o'clock luncheon. Just before he reached to open the door, a bullet took him in the back. No one saw where the shot came from. He died enroute to the hospital." William just sat there, dumbstruck. He couldn't let Sharon see him so he waved to her and stepped out of the room. When he was down the hall he stepped into an empty waiting room and asked Lane "Lane, when is it going to end?" What can we do to step up the investigation?" "Did the Chief talk to you today?" Lane queried. "He came by the house just as I was leaving to come see Sharon. I asked to postpone our talk until three so I could spend some time with Sharon. He was supposed to meet me here. Do you know what he was wanting to talk to me about Lane?" "Yeah, I do" responded Lane. "How long you going to be there?" "Until they run me out at closing time. Sharon is much better today. You want to come by here?" "Yes"said Lane. "But I want to talk to you before I go in to see Sharon. I'll drive right down." William walked into Sharon's room and she was awake. She had fear in her eyes and asked where Billy was. Will explained to her that Melinda was watching him for the night. "How are you feeling sweetheart?" William asked. Still weak and still under a lot of medication, she responded "I'm doing much better. I guess it was a pretty close call. Dr. said I could possibly go home by Monday" she finished wistfully. "I can't wait to get you home where you belong" Will said then finished with "I need to go meet Lane for a few seconds. I'll be back up here with him in a few minutes." Sharon nodded then closed her eyes. She was still weak. William kissed her on the forehead, turned and waved to both guards as he walked out. He knew both men and both were good dependable men. William walked out and past the nurses desk where a Dr. he'd never seen before was standing at the counter writing on some papers. As he walked past her something went up his spine like a chill, a tingling of sorts, or a like deep fear. He took a few more steps and stopped, turned and looked into the eyes of the Dr. With slightly graying hair, a forced smile and a look in her eyes that did not show friendliness, he stood there just looking at her. She looked vaguely familiar and she grew uncomfortable rather quickly under his gaze. Will didn't know it at that time, but he was looking right square into the eyes of death. ![]() | |
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