

"As a tree falleth, so shall it also lie."

hen one has went through their allotted time on this earth in human form, when their time has withered away, when the bloom of the flower of their life has wilted and fallen, and the winter portion of their life is drawing to a close, there is one standing by, ready, able, willing . . . to harvest the soul.  Whatever you have chosen to do with your time here, is reflected upon your state of being when you draw and expel your last breath of air.

In this story, the person who initiated the whole of the scandal which rocked the worlds of many people, draining them of their life's work, rendering them paupers in the process of lining his own pockets . . . thought he was untouchable.  He lived his life in a manner which never reflected but himself, and when his time came, he vacated the fleshly body to dwell in a new one, one that would never burn up.  He lived as though he would never die.

In this latest sequel of Death Vengeance, the Kingpin meets the Reaper.  The Reaper always get his man . . .

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