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![]() Chapter XXVI | |
The course, rough vibrations of the cobblestone drive entrance announced they were at the gate. A short pause while the gate swung its graceful arc, opening to an expanse of beauty few had seen. Just around to the back side of the right wing of the huge castle like building, a valet met them. Reginald Lewis, dressed in immaculate black coat and tails, waited for them; Morgandy at his side. The group disembarked from their vehicles and walked toward the large twelve foot arched double doors. They were astounded at the massive doors and the hardware that supported them. Reginald stood waiting for the last of the group to assemble. Chief Williams looked gorgeous in a long lavender dress, and her escort, wearing a shirt of the same color, was splendidly dressed. "I'll have Officer Williams and her escort first please, side by side, lady on the left, then Mrs. Travis. Mr. and Mrs. Mathers will follow her, then I'll have Mr. Wardlow and his escort, and after him, Mr. and Mrs. Bension. Toes on the line." He pointed to the floor, and watched as the procession got into order in the right place. Please maintain the distance in which you are standing now. Silence please." At that, he turned and started casually down the hall with Morgandy on his left arm and leading the procession. It was plain to see he had many years at being a butler, and was a gentleman in every sense of the word. Morgandy glided effortlessly beside him; beautiful, young and dressed in a long evening gown. The way led down a long hall with huge French windows set in Philippine Mahogany on both sides, one side showing the beauty of the mountainside dressed in the array of natures splendor with wildflowers of every description. The other side looked over the valley toward the west, ending with the Pacific ocean painted in royal blue. Sharon, lost in the beauty of the place, was almost distracted but soon her sadness and loneliness attacked with a vengeance. She was valiantly fighting the urge to weep over her loss and uncertainty. In the huge drawing room, they were to be seated, and sit quietly waiting. None of them had any idea of what to expect. Reginald lead the group in an arc in front of the seating which all faced toward one large chair devoid of occupant. When the couples lined up with the seating, he stopped and said "you may be seated. The seats were arranged to accompany the five couples. Sharon sat by herself in a seat for two, and began to tear up. Melinda handed her a hanky from her purse, and said "suck it up sister." Sharon's bottom lip came out, and she dried her tears. Morgandy stood straight and pristine beside the chair where Reginald placed her. She did not sit although a chair was provided, one on each side of the large chair. Reginald said "please excuse me." In less than a minute, he came out with an elderly lady on his arm. The men all arose and stood while she was seated. Morgandy was by her chair where Reginald had deposited her, and after seating the lederly lady, instructed the men to be seated. The group was impressed with the fine manners, the opulence, the sheer beauty of it all. Reginald spoke with an even, clean and sharp voice, "May I introduce to you, Mrs. Doris Strickland, matriarch of Strickland House. Then, he called each person by name, and each stood and curtsied or bowed as they were introduced to the elderly lady, again, beginning with Chief Williams and her escort. Each in turn, as they were introduced responded with the pleasantries of "It is a pleasure, or nice to meet you." Mrs.; Strickland nodded and smiled at each one in queenly fashion. When Victor and his wife were seated again, Miss Doris, as she preferred to be addressed, began. Her voice was still strong and clear. Her mind was sharp and focused in what she had to say. "First, I want to express my delight that you have graced my home with your presence. I thank each and every one of you for your efforts to be here. I understand you have a myriad of questions with which to barrage me, but there will be time for that later. Please be patient and hold your questions." Second, I want to inform you of William. He is here, but before I bring him out, I need to explain a couple of things. Melinda looked at Sharon and saw her catch her breath. She couldn't tell if she would cry, or laugh. Miss Doris paused for a second to allow Sharon to regain her composure, then continued. "We have been following him closely ever since he began his employment with Stillwell Mortgage. I have known him since he was but a tyke, and I set great store by him. I also knew his parents, and they are of great stock, good breeding, high in morals, integrity, and scruples. I admire them for the manner in which they raised their son as well as their honesty." "William was put under his hypnotic trance via the Death Vengeance program against his will and eventually, a microchip was inserted into his neck by none other than Dr. Kny-ple. The purpose of that microchip was to aid him in the control of William. I had my own programmer attempting to block this latest incident, but we missed it by only a few hours. But we knew the minute he went under because we monitored the call of Masons' and recorded it. So had we not only the information given him to put him under, but, the information to properly, safely and successfully bring him out." "I instructed my own on site surgeon to remove that implant right after we brought William out of the trance. To keep him still and out of harms way, we kept him in an induced coma until this morning. It was then he was brought out, and the whole ordeal explained to him. We knew of his mission, and we knew what would probably happen were he allowed to carry on. We felt we must prevent that. It was Reginald who removed him from the hospital." "We've known who the Kingpin was for some time now, but many factors prevented us from taking him down. We wanted to get his whole crew, but we didn't know exactly who all that was. As it turns out, he eliminated all of them for us. We sent the Bannisters to do the dirty work of eliminating him. It's just unfortunate that such things are forced upon us sometimes. We are saddened by the deaths of the two officers and will make sure their families are well provided for." "Now, Mr. Lewis?" Miss Doris gestured to Reginald as she addressed him. "Yes ma'am." He turned and signaled with his hand and almost instantly the steps of someone was hurrying the hall could be heard. A little whistle was heard, and Sharon stood up and turned toward the hall. Then, William stepped around the corner. Sharon was instantly running and met him when he busted around the corner. He whisked her off her feet and swung her around like a young school girl as she hung on to his neck." She was sobbing again, then laughing, then kissing him, then wiping tears, then sobbing. She was hugging him between all that and finally she whispered something in his ear. "What?!?! is that true?" He lifted her again and swung her around. All the ladies were crying, and all the men had dust in their eyes. Finally William stopped and asked "when?" She whispered in his ear again and he laughed like only William could. William was now free from Death Vengeance for ever. All the reapers that had taken so much from Gilroy Hastings had now been reaped. William was now William forever. Great Grandma Doris Strickland just smiled. Finally, her children were home. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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