
Chapter XX

hief Williams was snapping orders.  Vehicle one at rear return to normal duties, and send the Prisoner Train home.  That name had stuck when one of the female officers stated when they first got it "that's long as a train."  It was a Ford two ton truck chassis and those things were notorious in not being able to turn sharp at all, lots of times having to back up and pull forward a couple of times for a simple U-turn.

"I think she was born to this job" thought Lane as he watched her work.  She had a presence that commanded respect, she was level headed and gave out orders in a way that people naturally understood what she wanted.  She hated confusion, and each move went off as if they were practiced moves.

Ealier that morning while they waited for the search warrant papers of Mason Ludlow to be produced and signed, Roger Strickland just happened to drop by to see what all the commotion was.  When he saw Officer Amanda Williams in the Chiefs' chair, he inquired as to the reason, then said "let's make it official.

Anyone have a Bible?  Amanda opened the top drawer and produced a well worn and obviously well read Bible.  She placed it on top of the desk and said "this was given to me by my mother as a present for joining the Police Force."

Roger strode forward and said "will you stand Officer Williams?"  All in the room stood with her, and he said "please place your left hand on the Bible and raise your right hand."

After the swearing in, they all clapped and cheered.  Roger disappeared momentarily and when he re-entered the room, he handed her a box containing the cover of a Chief Of Police.  Also in the box was a bronze placard which read Chief of Police, Officer Amanda Williams.  "I was hoping I'd be the one to swear you in some day" he said.

Melinda had big tears of joy running down her face and Lane was beaming.  Amanda put the cover on and they all clapped.  "There's one more thing Chief.  And Roger produced an expensive coat the Police all wore.  But this one had under her name, Chief of Police.

"Ok she said, let's go."  And led the way out the door on the raid of the Mayors house.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lane moseyed through the house looking it over, nosing around in closets, his library, notes on the fridge.  What he saw in the upper bedroom where he obviously spent the bulk of his time was that the Mayor was a slob.  Since this was the only room that wasn't immaculate, he figured the man kept a maid somewhere as a cook, cleaner and . . . well, whatever needed doing.

In a desk in the corner he located a phone directory and began to see names and connections with which he was familiar.  Some were of names known in the underworld of thuggery, a few in the business world, but only a very few good honest people.  There were a couple of business cards to a Regal Real Estate company in San Diego, and a hastily scribbled note in the trash can under a bunch of liquor bottles.

He pulled open a cabinet door on the upper level of the desk, and saw for the first time, the program of Death Vengeance.  He was immediately attracted to it, and was looking at it intently when a voice broke in.  It was Chief Williams.  "Mr. Wardlow.  I'll not have you nosing around in operations I'm exercising without my express permission.  I hope you understand."

"My sincere apologies Chief.  I'm just a detective by nature, and I was curious about what kind of life Ludlow lived.  I had no right."

"Thank you Lane.  Apology accepted.  But do mind your manners in the future.  It would certainly look bad on us both if you were the first person I arrested in my new duties."  The grin on her face was genuine, but, Lane got the message loud and clear.  "Did you find anything of importance?" she asked.

It is all stacked neatly on the desk Chief.  Have you noticed the screen in the cabinet?"

She glanced it and immediately realized it for what it was.  She said  "And so, that is the mighty Death Vengeance program huh?  Well I can see how someone interested in games could easily be drawn into its net.  Did you look around to see if the discs were here?"

"No, I hadn't been in here but for a minute or so.  I was careful not to leave my prints anywhere or trample evidence."

"Thank you Lane.  It is going to be a pleasure working with you."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The call came to Lane at his law office.  "Transfer it to my desk.  I'll take it there.  Lane sat there already knowing what the Coroner was telling him.  He was sure he had recognized the bodies of both his wife and his daughter, the second wife to Mayor Mason Ludlow.  The depth of pain settled into his chest, the loneliness of the years without his wife, and then his daughters' disappearance, came crashing down on him at once.

After hanging up the phone, he just buried his face in his hands and sat there silently, alone while the tears fell from his eyes and puddled on the desk.  A slight knock on the door, and it opened slightly.  Melinda peeked through the door, then backed out and Sharon peeked in.

"Uncle Lane?  Are you OK?" Sharon asked.  He raised his head, reached for his handkerchief and motioned her in.  Melinda followed her in and they went one to each side of him.  They said nothing, just stood there, sharing his hurt.  Melinda had gotten a memo from Jake Stamler informing her of the identifications and since they were within a couple of blocks of Lanes office complex, they decided to see if they could lend some support to one of their closest friends.

A knock at the door and the secretary peeked in and said "Mr. Wardlow, the fax came through with identifications of all the names.  Here it is."  He looked up, wiped the tears from his eyes and reached for the report.  He sat there studying it.  It read:

Person # 1: Female, Betty Ann (Coulter) Ludlow, spouse #1 to Mason Ludlow
death by strangulation - - garrote - weapon in body

Person # 2: Layan (Wardlow) Ludlow, spouse #2 Mason Ludlow
death by strangulation - - garrote - weapon in body

Person # 3: Brenda Sue (Branhurst) Wardlow, spouse to Lane Wardlow
death by strangulation - - garrote - weapon in body

Person # 4: Linda LeAnn () Ludlow, spouse to Mason Ludlow
death by strangulation - - garrote - weapon in body

Person # 5: Gina () Adams, spouse to Russell Adams
death by strangulation - - garrote - weapon in body

Person # 6:  Barbara Renee () Adams, spouse to Russell Adams
death by strangulation - - garrote - weapon in body

Person # 7:  Nancy Ann () James spouse #1 to Chris James
death by strangulation - - garrote - weapon in body

He handed the list to Sharon and she stood silently reading it over.  She said "Chief, I didn't know you were the Mayors father-in-law at one time.  I'm so sorry."

Melinda took the list and after reading it said "I noticed something at the Mayors house yesterday when I found his body.  There was a piece of chain attached to a hook hanging from the garrote.  I didn't pay it much mind, but after reading this, it brings something else to mind."

Lane wasn't paying a whole lot of attention, but she had Sharon's full attention.  She asked of Melinda "Are you referring to the chains and hooks hanging in the hall closet?"

"Yes.  Chief, do you think the stuff from the Adams house is still at the Precinct?"  She addressed him specifically to get him distracted from his grief.

"I'm sure it is.  I'll call Chief Williams."  With that, he stowed his hanky and buzzed his secretary.  Louise, will you get the Chief of Police on the phone please?"

The buzzer on his phone alerted and he picked it up.  Melinda and Sharon heard the familiar voice.  "Yes, Mr. Wardlow.  What can I do for you."

Sharon asked Melinda, "did the Chiefs body have a hook and chain on the garrote?"

"Yes," she replied.

"Let's go ladies" Lane said.  Chief Williams will meet us at the morgue."

It hadn't been confirmed as of yet, but, either the Bannister brothers have been very busy, or, there just may be a copycat killer running around.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


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Chapter XX