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![]() Chapter VII | |
The Crawley Caper had interested him from the beginning, and he knew an awful lot about it. Partly because he'd kept up on sensitive matters of the case that only police should be aware of. The intrigue captivated him, and he hung on all the details. And with all the goings on during the trial, the hypnotic treatment, the mock shootings in the courtroom; it all still held him captive. Because of that intrigue, he had done some things of which he was not proud. He had watched William very closely and saw him build the 'disk delivery chamber, knew it's purpose and properly guessed what he was about to do. He also had seen through a tiny slit in the blinds where he had hidden the disks in the trap door under his house. He knew when William removed the discs and knew they were in the office of Lane Wardlow. He asked for audience with Lane seeking council for a minor traffic accident in which he had been at fault. While there, he visited the men's restroom and scoured it thoroughly. He then chanced a visit to the women's restroom, and succeeded . . . twice. The first time to pick up the disks and the second when he replaced the discs. He had destroyed the contents of the original discs deliberately, so it was that he was the owner of the only discs that worked. Now, he had the problem of keeping them hidden and secure, but did not hide them at his home. Instead, he placed them in a lock box, then placed that at the bottom of a huge stack of household goods in a secure storage facility. William was never aware that the discs had been copied, and he fully believed the contents had been destroyed in the homemade 'disk delivery chamber.' No one had ever known his secret. But he had gotten greedy and ran them in an ad in the furthest place in the US. He described it as a game, but he made one real bad mistake. He had used the word "Crawley" in the description. A certain ATF agent by the name Boslo Wilson picked up on it. That's when he called Tack Guinn and asked him to meet at lunch the next day. Between them, they agreed to pick the discs up, but since Boslo had been in the office the day they were given to him, they decided he shouldn't go to Stillwell Creek for fear of being recognized. That's the reason the more aggressive and dirtier ATF agent, Tack Guinn came to town. He had no way of knowing who it was that had the discs, because the number had been a pay phone outside a distant all night market. That was the reason they could never get an answer when they called it. By that time the ad had been traced, and Tack learned it had been a written request with fees paid in cash. It was a dead end. Not only that, since there was no return address, the newspaper had merely thrown the envelope in the trash after running the ad. Whoever it was that placed the ad had experienced a change of heart and had literally chickened out on following through with talking to someone. Being in the possession of the discs he felt much too vulnerable. So, he merely forgot about the ad, never returning to answer the phone even though it rang like it was instructed in the ad. It was to ring three times, then wait one minute, and let it ring three more times. And, it was supposed to be at four thirty in the morning. Now, Russell's life had gotten so deep into this thing, he did not know what to do. One thing he would do though, and that's come clean about the discs, how he'd obtained them, and he was also in possession of the weapons. He figured if he'd let it be known, he would have simply been tortured until he relented, then killed once he had given up the merchandise. But Russell was quite fond of his means of acquiring the discs. He even had the originals! He went through Lanes office trash until he found them, and then copied the results back onto them. He was proud of the fact the he, and only he, in the entire world, had those discs. But he knew if it came out he had them, his life was over. So he mulled all this around in his mind. But some things in his character were beginning to come through. His normal, shining and bright demeanor had taken on a deathly pale, and he was brusque with anyone that approached him. It was his fault that Chief Bension was lying in his grave right now. It was his fault that Len and Melinda, Lane, and William were all in the custody of a rogue ATF agent. And now, Sharon had disappeared as well. Was she in the custody of Tack as well? Tack Guinn he learned was not a man to trifle with, and knew he held no mercy for anyone whom he was questioning. He just simply did not care if, or how bad he hurt someone. Neither did he care if it was a male or a female he hurt. All this was weighing extremely heavy on Russell's mind. He deliberated going to Jake Stalmer, but did not know if he was trustworthy. That was the problem in matters such as this, that in todays' world, you didn't know just who you could trust nor how far. He felt very alone and vulnerable right about then. Someone was talking to him . . . "I'm sorry," he said. Then, "I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage. I've been working almost non-stop since becoming Chief and I'm worn out. "Not a problem," the man responded kindly His manner was quite familiar. "My name is Victor. Victor Bension." Chief Adams nearly had a heart attack. He was momentarily stunned, and had no ability to rise. Suddenly, he stood up. Too fast. He knocked a tray of paper off the desk into the floor, cursed and then held out his hand. He stammered saying "I'm Russell Adams, Chief of Police." "I know," said the big man. "Can I sit down or do you prefer that I stand?" By this time the color was coming back into his face, and he motioned for the visitor to sit. I'm sorry," Russell said. All these ATF agents running around and arresting everybody on suspicion has me rattled I'm afraid. Please forgive my intolerance. "No problem," Victor said. I am California State Attorney General. I was requested to come here by my brother, Walter. I presume you knew him?" "Yes sir!" Russell said a little too fast. He berated himself in his mind for being so clumsy. "I had the honor to serve under Chief Bension for several years. I found him to always be competent, cool and level headed, and best of all, he was honest." "Thank you Chief Adams," he responded. "Now," the Chief of Police said as he forced himself to calm down. "How can I help you today?" Well, I'd like to see all your reports on Walter Bension. Has an autopsy been performed yet? Do you have any leads or ideas as to his demise?" "Well sir, I hope you understand my refusal, but I can't just open those files to anyone who comes in off the street. You'll have to provide a warrant to learn that information," he finished feeling quite proud of himself. "Very well. I anticipated that. He opened his briefcase, pulled out his badge and ID placard, and handed them to the Chief. Russell was feeling faint and his face was now quite flushed. And here's the warrant signed by the State Attorney General. That would be me. Now, do you have any other objections or stall tactics with which to annoy me?" "No sir. I'll have them brought in." "No thank you. I'm here to do a full investigation, and I'll find them myself. I'll only tell you this one time. You stay out of my way and you instruct all your office to do the same and cooperate with me to the fullest. One more stall tactic and I'll start arresting and I won't stop until I get every one of you. Do you understand?" "Yes sir. I do." Russell stood up and said "you can use my office for your headquarters. In fact, you can have my job as well. With that, he pulled the badge off his uniform, and carefully laid his Glock on the desk in front of the visitor." "Very well, I'll need a written copy of that resignation, and you can do it from cell number one. Sharon, will you come in here and arrest Mr. Adams?" Chief Adams was visibly shaken and was turning pale once more. At that, Sharon stepped around the corner and said "I'd be glad to Mr. Bension." Then she turned to Russell and stated firmly, please turn around Mr. Adams and place your hands behind your back." She cuffed him with his own cuffs, and read him his Miranda rights. This way please." She guided him through the office with all his fellow officers watching as well as the secretary and the dispatcher. They had no idea as to what was going on. She stated to Lieutenant Perry, "Mr. Adams here will need some paper on which to write his resignation, and he will need a Notary Public within an hour." "Yes ma'am. Right away," he answered. Victor Bension stepped to the door of the office where there was a bustle of activity. He stated, "My name is Victor Bension, brother to Walter Bension. I am the Attorney General for the state of California. As of this moment and until a replacement is found, I will be at the helm of this ship. Does anyone have any questions?" No questions. He looked around for a second then said "I will be interviewing each of you for the prospect of being Chief of Police. If any of you desires to have that position, please bring your resume with you to your appointment. I will speak with each of you, one at a time. We are going to find out what is going on here in Stillwell Creek. Sharon was just coming back into the squad room when Victor motioned her over. Pick you out some officers you know and trust, and go bring in Tack Guinn . . . dead or alive." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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