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![]() Chapter IV | |
But that was thirty six hours ago. And Lane had not stirred yet. Sharon was not happy with the attendant from across the street of the cafe which Lane had been abducted. William had gone back and was looking around the scene and looked from the spot of blood to where Lane had been knocked down and where the cashier said he was standing taking a break. But William couldn't see that spot, so he strolled across the street to see what he could see. There by the curb on the far side of a picnic area where people could eat lunch from the filling station grill was a can of cigarette butts. The attendant stated he was sitting there facing the street . . . but there was a large hedgerow which hid the parking lot of the cafe. "There's a flaw in the slaw," William thought. When he inquired of the cashier and described him, he learned the guy was no cashier at that place, and the owner of the establishment had never had someone working there that fit that description. "It looks like Tack is pretty sharp about these matters," William was thinking as he strolled back across the street. Still in thought, he was wondering who the now missing 'cashier' was. While obviously a plant to give false directions futher extending the investigation, Sharons' description of him left no room for mistake. If he saw him, William believed he would recognize him. But there was no doubt he was part of a team brought into town by Tack. Or was he just a bystander that would lie for a few bucks? He told Sharon he was having a smoke break, yet she noticed no smell of smoke on him, and saw no cigarette stains on his fingers, or a pack in his pocket. She didn't think a whole lot about it, but now the facts weren't adding up. If this was a player in Tacks team, you could bet he's armed and dangerous. With the investigation in it's infancy, there was little to go on outside of some suspicions of Tack. Just before William reached his car, Sharon drove in and parked. "How about buying some lunch for a hungry lady?" she asked. "Sure thing! Got anything new?" he asked. "Nope. Tactless Tack was not going to leave an easy trail to follow," she said as she got out of the car. "How's Lane?" Sharon was very close to her uncle and had just left the hospital. "Not very good yet. He's not showing any sign of improvement. He sure took a beating. I'd like to see the perp brought to justice for doing something like that. Oh, one more thing. Chief Bension is missing," she finished. "Missing? When? Where?" "I don't know any details, but his car was found out near where Lanes' car was found. No signs of scuffle or foul play. No witnesses as of yet," Sharon concluded. Won't do any good to go after Tack just yet. He won't bluff easy, and from what I've seen of him so far, he's not queasy when it comes to 'questioning' someone with a little bit of force. "How long has the Chief been missing? Sharon shrugged and said through a mouthful of French Fries, "not known for sure. But the last anyone seen of him, he was with Lane at the diner. So I figure it was around the same time that Lane went missing. Williams phone cut into the conversation Chief Bension was found, but it was not good news. He had been beaten to a pulp as well, and mouthed "Victor." He had went unconscious immediately thereafter and had not awakened as of yet. Sharons' face was all askew. She detested the business of torture and especially on friends of hers. "Is there anyone on the force at odds with him?" Sharon asked when he closed the conversation. "Not that I know of. He was pretty well liked of all his men. Russell Adams was the only one I knew of with whom he'd had difficulty. I'll mosey over and talk with him." William paid for the meal and inquired of the cashier if she'd seen the Chief in there yesterday. "Yes, he gave a policeman a ride out of the parking lot. I never saw another Police vehicle," she added. "Thank you ma'am." Sharon was talking to someone on the phone when William walked up. On her face was some bad news. She closed the flip cover and stated "Walter Bension just died." - - - - - - - - - - - - Jake Stamler was not in a good mood. Tack had just left his office and had more or less accused him of over-protecting his agents and obstructing justice. "Where does he get off making accusatory statements like that? Will, I want you to find out all you can about him. Len started on his background when he first learned of his arrival in town. Seems Len knew a little about him from some other incidents." "Yes sir," William said. "I'll call in a friend I made from the Sacramento office. I'll do that right now." That evening, Sharon, William, Melinda and Len were sitting at coffee when the visitor arrived. He looked right at William and said "Mr. Travis?" "Yes sir," came the reply. The man flashed an ATF badge and said "I'm placing you under arrest for murder. Will you stand up and assume the position?" "No. I will not. It's going to take a lot more than just an unknown rookie to come in here and arrest someone because you want to talk to them. If you want me, you'll have to take me." "Suit yourself. With that, he held up his hand made a little sign. The door of the restaurant opened and in filed six armed men, all carrying AR15s. They made an arc around the table at the wall where the four were sitting, and pointed their guns at William. "So much for not making a scene," he thought. A voice from across the room boomed out that said "Rice, stand down." It was Jake Stamler. The Team did not know he was in the place. But the ATF man didn't seem to care, and looked back at Will. "I'll only ask once more, stand up or these men will drag you out the door, dead if you want, but you're coming with me." "Rice! I said stand down!" Jake was beside the ATF agent now, and the agent just looked at him. "Sir, if you don't move away, I'll have you taken down at the same time. This man is wanted for murder, and now Police Chief Bension has been added onto the record. You choose." "You are arresting William for that murder? Let me see that warrant," Jake said. Agent Rice deftly pulled a folded document from inside his coat pocket and handed it to him. It was signed by Judge Baker. "I don't know how you've coerced Judge Baker to sign this false document, but I'll have your hide for this," responded Jake. "Now, do I get my man or do I take all six of you in?" Agent Rice seemed very proud of himself. "Hand me your gun William," Jake said. "No!" Rice yelled. I'm in control here and I'll give the orders. One more word out of you and I'll run you in as well as Brad Cooper, your bank president buddy!" "Well, this doesn't look good," William thought as he carefully slid out of the booth making sure his hands were in sight. When he stood up, one of the men with the AR15 roughly turned him around, leaned him against the wall kicking his feet apart in order to search him. After having his XD removed, he was frisked a second time, and cuffed. All the while, another was reading from a card "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense." William was led away to an armored vehicle outside. Four of the men with ARs jumped into the back with him. Len was standing now talking to Jake. Sharon and Melinda were paying the bill, and all was very quiet. Williams' future seemed very shaky at the moment, and where he was taken to be questioned, they wanted to know. Sharon and Melinda were shocked at the audacity of Tack. There was no doubt now that he had a team in town with him. They would be further shocked at the news of the Police department within the hour. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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