
Chapter II

he evening was still young as Len and Melinda visited with William and Sharon.  They conversed in small talk for a while, but when the courteous 'how ya doins and the weather' had all been done, the subjects became more serious.

Len Mathers began to talk about his tenure with the FBI, how he had seriously considered quitting, especially after he'd killed a couple of guys.  It had been he who'd shot and killed DK, in essence saving Williams life.  It bothered him even though he was fully justified for his actions.

But, he felt he had a job to do, and decided the best way to do that job was with the number one crime fighting organization in the country.  He'd been moved up a couple of notches, and was now on a recruiting run.  The issue with which he'd been saddled was a huge one, and, he needed help.  And he knew just where to find the kind of help he needed!  William Travis.  The question is, would he go for it?

It was the very question William had mulled over all day in the country.  And how he wanted to do this.  I mean, to be recruited into the FBI!  That, in itself, was an honor.  But, to be on the 'Good Side' of the law . . . now, that was a new one for William.  He'd never been on the 'bad' side of the law with the exception of the Crawley Caper murders, but, other than that, he was a perfect role model citizen.

But he wrestled with the decision.  Was God really leading him into this role, or, was he leading himself and justifying it as the leading of God?  He tried to divide out the pros and cons and did his best to decide which way he was being lead.  He weighed out all the reasons he wanted to do the thing, then, tried to weigh out all the reasons God could possibly have for leading him.

But he fell way short of his intentions.  He decided that he was trying to lead God instead of allowing God to lead him.  With that discovery, he decided to stay where he was and just wait on God.

A few weeks later William was feeling quite down.  Sharon seemed to mope around the house as well, and they couldn't figure out why their life had become so 'humdrum . . .'   They decided they needed to take a vacation and decided they would fly up the coast to a tiny airport in Morro Bay, and from there drive on up the coast to Hearst Castle.

Although they'd been on a couple of the tours, they thought it would be fun to take in a couple of the others, hit a few antique shops around town, and, just veg out.  This will be some great fun to break up the monotony for a change.

He'd invited Len and Mulinda to church the Sunday after, and, just for a Sunday treat, they'd come over Saturday evening also.  After dinner the discussion turned to a case in which Len had just been placed in charge, and Williams heart leapt into his throat.  This is just what he was needing!

He looked at Sharon to see a smile on her face, a glint in her eye, and a "what are we waiting for?" look on her face.  He very slightly shook his head yes to her with scrunched up eyebrows and a question mark in his eyes, and she returned the gesture.  On her face was no question mark, but, an excited, bright look which said "if you don't, I am anyway!!"

So William asked "Len, what's the chances of reconsidering on that offer you made a couple of months back?"

"Whoa man!" Len breathed out loud.  Are you sure you wanna do this thing?  This is an awesome responsibility and obligation as well.  And there's danger of life at every corner.  Have you considered this carefully?  Very carefully?"

"Yeah, we're both sure," he replied.  He looked at Sharon, and when she smiled at him, he said "we've both been feeling the nudge, urge, inkling . . . whatever you want to call it, to do something constructive with our lives.

I've been reading in the Bible where it says men are commanded to protect the weak (Ps. 82:4; Prov. 24:11) and their households (Ex 22:1-2). The most modern and lethal weapons of the era are used to accomplish this (Luke 22:36 )."

William paused for a few seconds, and studied the face of his friends and wife, then continued.  "It is, I feel, expedient for us, me, to act as the Bereans did and study the Scriptures to see if this be so (Acts 17:11).

Apostle Paul clearly described the act of omission to provide and protect as heresy in 1 Tim. 5:8, But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel, (1 Tim 5:8 KJV).' "

William was feeling something he'd felt only a couple of times before.  He took a breath and continued.  "The context is that of charity for involuntarily indigent people but, I feel, has a much broader application.  This command does not pertain exclusively to Christians but to all (anyone).  'Especially for those of his household' is a component of 'his own.'

All whom God has appointed to positions of authority (Romans 13:1), are commanded to provide what God has revealed that they provide for their constituents.  God holds fathers, church leaders and civil magistrates accountable for their performance (Heb 13:17).  This includes 'providing' protection.  Fathers are to protect their families and the state is to protect the right to do so."

William paused again, then said "one more thing before I get off my soapbox.  I feel this extends to all, which includes Sharon and I, of those who are equipped to and who have a mind to uphold the laws of the land.  Len, how, what when where, and we know the why, can we get started in this thing?

The pause was interminable.  William and Sharon's demeanor never changed.  He then smiled big and said, "I thought you was never going to ask!"

Len paused for a second then said "Well . . . " with a sheepish grin on his face.  "I, uh, well, I have to admit something to you.  I started the proceedings of getting you and Sharon into our team nearly a year ago, and, just last week, I got this package sent by headquarters.

It seems they want you on our side as much as Melinda and I.  It just so happens that we have that package with us tonight.  In fact, it's in Melindas purse.  Honey, would you retrieve that package?"

William and Sharon looked at each other with quizzical and unexpected looks on their faces.  Melinda was smiling broadly as she sat back down beside Sharon with her purse in hand, set it on the floor, and pulled out a padded envelope marked 'For FBI use only,' and handed it to Len.  Len unwrapped the string, opened the flap and pulled out two small, flat boxes.  He examined the name on one end, looked up at Sharon, and handed her the box.

He handed the other to William, and said "it looks like you two are the newest recruits into the ranks of the Federal Bureau of Investigation." He finished with a broad smile, stood up and allowed William to stand, then shook his hand, hugged his neck in proper brotherly fashion, and said "congratulations brother."

William, still only surmising what was in the box, stepped back from Len, and lifted the lid.  Inside was a badge like Len and Melindas.  It said "William Travis, Federal Beaurea of Investigation." It was nestled into its own little leather holster, and his identification certificate in the box as well.

"You don't know what kind of strings I had to pull to get this deal through on the sly" he said with a chuckle.  It was evident that it was quite an ordeal, and obvious too that he was very proud of his achievement.

Sharon and Melinda stood and hugged as well.  There was an emotional spirit about the little induction scene, and William said "this calls for a celebration!  Let's go eat!" (True Pentecost fashion!!)

With that, they all began to talk excitedly, picked up their coats, and walked out into the night air.  No, it was not cold, but, Len always wore a suit, and his coat covered his Springfield .45XD service model automatic pistol.

William and Sharon both, also carried CCW's (Concealed Carry Weapon), permits, and William had taken to wearing a suit as well.  Sharon had two weapons plus an 'Arkansas toothpick' on her person, and she was adept at keeping all her weapons concealed at all times.

It was more of an element of surprise more than fear of a 'brandishing' charge.  If someone decided to accost her, she didn't want her assailant to know she was armed, neither what nor where her weapons were.

They had both taken all four levels of the Defensive Hand Gun course, and quite proficient in the presentation of their weapons and their use.  Sharon was actually a better marksman with her Springfield XD Compact than was William.  They both chose the Springfield XD for its safety features, and between them, they had five of the .45's.  If they ever had a malfunction, they wanted to be able to use the others' gun, and have interchangeability.

William loved the Glocks, but wanted something with a couple of safety features which the Glock lacked.  That's the reason he liked the XD so well.  He could tell at glance if the weapon was ready to fire, or, in pitch black darkness, he could run his thumb up over the back and confirm the striker pin was back ready to fire, and, if there was a round in the chamber by a little rub on top of the gun.  It was light, and, could easily be field stripped, cleaned, and maintained.

Him and Sharon had practiced repeatedly on every kind of scenario that could be devised, and felt they were ready to the point of letting training take over their actions instead of adrenalin when the time came for action.

But, William and Sharon both were still going to have to do some preparing if they were going to take this challenge.  Sure, they were now bonafide FBI agents, but, they still had swearing in ceremonies, FBI training, rigorous physicals and physical training, mental training, tactical training, job and on the job training as well.

It would be months before they were considered a team together yet separate from any others.

Right now, they were happy they could be considered a part of the Mathers team.  They hoped they could make a great difference in their areas of expertise, and they would.  What William did not know was he would eventually come face to face with a like-trained opponent as he himself.  It would take him a while to figure exactly what he was up against, but, the wheels would not be turning in his favor.

Had it been anyone else, they would have died early on, but, Williams sixth sense kept him safe, and, his trust in God was always on his mind.  The question that was foremost on his mind was 'to what end has God opened this door?'

While God would eventually reveal 'to what end,' He was leading William, He would also keep him from harm.  William wouldn't know for a while just how close he would come to serious danger.

While his protection and safe keeping of Sharon was above and beyond his own protection, he would see in this first job just how capable she really was in protecting not only herself, but, William as well.

Danger lurked everywhere.  They learned to look for signs of it.  To 'read' a person by their clothes, or a room.  They acively sought, to see through situations and falsehoods.

They cultivated the 'feel,' or, if you will, almost the ability to see without eyes what was behind the person or situation in question.  It is a sixth sense.  And it would save Williams life in their very first case.

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from the cross to the crown

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Chapter II