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![]() Chapter XXXI | |
He lay back down and drifted off to sleep, within a half hour, he was flashing back again. He awoke with a start and realized the bed was wet again. What a mess! For the second time, he changed the bedclothes, showered and put on his last pair of pajamas. After going back to bed again, he lay there thinking about the dream. It was not about the doings with the Crawly Caper, but, with the disks he'd hidden in Lane's office restroom. As he studied on the situation, his mind went to a movie he'd seen of Hitler and his invasion of Poland, Czechoslovakia, France and Russia. Had not the English channel stood between France and England, the Germans would have no doubt eventually overridden England. What a powerhouse he was. What would the difference have been if he'd had a weapon like The Codes? Chills went up and down Williams body. His mind drifted to what might have happened had Dr. Kny-pel gotten the Codes. Again, the chills berated his body. Lane had made it clear that he wanted the disks to go to the FBI. Well, he decided to give them the disks! Right then and there. But, they would not be happy. One thing that made him feel good is the decision to do something. He had wallowed in indecision too long. He wanted to do something positive. He wanted to do something that would better his life. And, positive steps create positive results! The positive results he was wanting at this time was the simple getting his life back! And, he decided he was going to have it! He was going to get away from all the negative things in his life! He sat down at the kitchen table with a cup of hot chocolate, and began to write. The steps he would take would be to right the wrongs in his life. When all was said and done, it would be up to him to get things fixed, back on the right track, and his life like he once enjoyed. So, the steps would be this: First, he wanted Sharon back. He had no idea as to her living arrangements, no idea as to how to get a hold of her. He would start with contacting Jeff. He would go to Stillwell Title in the morning and see if he could find Jeff. The disks: he would relinquish to the FBI the disks. Tomorrow. As soon as he could get things set up, he would hand them over. God: Somehow, someway, he would find God. He would start visiting churches until he found one that could offer him something. He had learned there were many beliefs, and he wanted to know once and for all if religion had anything to offer him. For a start, he vowed he would read in his Bible, every day. He had finished the Gospels, and was waiting for a good time to start the book of Acts. This was as good a time as any. So he opened up and read the first two chapters of the book of Acts of the Apostles. What he read was thrilling. It coincided perfectly with the Gospels. He felt God had just revealed some beautiful secret or truth to him. He wanted to know more about baptism in Jesus Name. With that, he slept. And it was a peaceful sleep. No noose. No Death Vengeance flashbacks. Nothing. Just wonderful, restful, peaceful sleep . . . The alarm woke him at seven, and he showered, shaved, and stepped out the door to his truck. Kelly Jamison was coming up the drive with a basket of clean clothes. She would take them home with her at night and wash and dry while she enjoyed her own home. "Good morning William," she called cheerfully. "Why, I can't believe how much better you look this morning! It's like night and day!" "Thank you Kelly. I sure feel a lot better this morning than the last time you saw me. I had a rough night and have sweated up the bedclothes. Please include extra washing on the bill for me, would you? Thanks." William wanted to be nice, but he didn't want to lose any time today. He had a 'disk return chamber' to build, and he knew just how to build it, and it had to be done right away. As he sat waiting for breakfast, he phoned Lane. Lane was happy to hear from him, and said he'd join him since he was needing breakfast too. Within five minutes, he joined William. The conversation was light for a few minutes, then Lane asked why William had called. "Well, I have some things on my mind that I want to fix. First, I want to relinquish the disks to the FBI. Can you set up an appointment for late this afternoon?" he asked pensively. "I'm sure that can be arranged. I'll let you know before breakfast is over." With that he called Sandy at the office and made the request. "What else?" I want to make things right with Len Mathers. Could you mention to him I'm feeling guilty, and I am feeling badly about how I treated him. If he is willing to have me as a friend, I'll happily make things right with him. I just don't want to make a fool out of myself if he's not willing to meet me half way. "I have some news for you on that matter. Len is really bothered that you seem to be so mad at him. He was a victim in this matter just as much as you, but he wants things right between you and himself." Lane explained. "That's good. I'll make my apologies to him when we get the chance to meet. I still feel bad about Melinda being subjected to the trauma as well as Sharon and I." William stopped at the mention of Sharon, and swallowed hard. Lane could see he still loved her greatly. "Is there anything else?" Lane ventured. "Yes, there is." William started. "I've made up my mind I want my old life back. But, I want some additions. I want Sharon back in my life. I've decided to go for the computer business with the company in San Jose, and, I've decided to step into the saddle of Stillwell Title." "That's quite a plateful, but I know that you can handle it. But, I'm sensing that there's more. What is it William?" Lane sat there looking at William intently. "Please lay out for me what you believe is the plan of Salvation. Do you have time?" William asked. ![]() "Yes sir, I do have the time. And I will do just that." Lane responded. He concisely laid out his beliefs of what it took to be 'Saved.' In just a few minutes, he finished. And it all sounded kind of good, but, it didn't sound like what he had read in his Bible last night. It wasn't worded the same, it didn't hold the same promise, and it didn't sound anywhere near right. The plan of salvation that he read last night, straight out of the Bible, was simply: Repent, be baptized in Jesus Name, ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost . . . Lane was talking again. "You really need to give God your life William. He's the only one who can give you the peace and forgiveness you so need and so desire." Lane concluded. William was quiet while he studied what Lane had just told him. While it sounded good, it just didn't sound right . . . and he'd already experienced baptism in Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. So, why didn't he feel something when he was baptized like that? Did not Jesus Christ command them to be baptized in the Name . . .? Wasn't He the One Who died for our sins? William couldn't understand why someone would baptize repeating the words Jesus told them, instead of obeying what He told them . . . It sure didn't make sense to baptize in a formula that didn't even include the Name where the Power was. It was that same power that healed the sick, forgave sins, raised the dead . . . Where was the formula then? That formula was not there then, but the Name was! Lane was talking again. "William, won't you come to our church and experience God for yourself?" "I'd love to come," William responded. "When is your next meeting?" "Tonight, seven o'clock he said. "I'll see you there!" Just then his cell phone rang and he answered it. Within less than a minute, he said "thanks, and set it up." He then looked at William and said, "four o'clock this afternoon. My office. Will you have the disks?" "Yes, I'll be there with the disks." He stood up, shook hands with Lane, and walked to the cash register. "This one's on me William." Lane said and pulled the receipt out of Williams hand. They parted ways, William to his project, and Lane to his office. The FBI would have a huge surprise at four o'clock this afternoon . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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