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![]() Chapter XXVI | |||||||||
What I want to tell you about pertains to something you've mentioned a couple of times, and, even mentioned it here this morning. You've spoken of a Death Sentence. Well, you've just been delivered from a death sentence, in that, at the second trial, you were pronounced with a Death Sentence by judge Caleb Kimble alias, Dr. Kny-pel. That particular Death Sentence had to do with this life. The losing of life by a mortal executioner for something done to another mortal, usually a capital offense such as taking anothers' life. Had we not gotten to you, there is no doubt whatsoever that you would have hung by the neck until dead. You would have went out into eternity not ready to meet God. But, we were able to prevent the loss of your life at that point. Another person who was instrumental in saving your life, whether you know it or not, was Don Siegal. He actually slapped the gun away from your head, putting himself in great danger. All these people prevented you from dying at the hands of Dr. Kny-pel himself. So, that was a very real and deadly Death Sentence that was passed and nearly enacted on you. But, that was not the only Death Sentence on you. You see, there are two more death sentences which we all face. Let me tell you about the one with which you are the most familiar. It is the natural death of this body. This body, upon conception, even though barely an atom, began to multiply, and thereby, become a whole human body. We were all born the same way, conceived the same way, grew up . . . but, death is on our trail from the very beginning. We are aging to the point of dying. And, we will all go by way of the grave. This was effected upon us by the first man, Adam, who sinned against God, and from the instant he sinned, he started to die. It took a long time, but, he eventually died, and returned to the dust from whence he was taken. So, you are aware of that Death Sentence. That is one Death Sentence you can't get out of, no matter who your lawyer is. But, that is not the Death Sentence to fear. Let me give you a couple of scriptures to read. You have a Bible, right? William nodded his head yes. Lane then asked "Is it a King James Bible Version?" William didn't have a clue as to what he was talking about. All he had was that slim Bible that was given him by the preacher of the little church in Las Vegas. He shook his head that he had one, then said "but I don't know know anything about it from there. I'll have to go purchase one." "Here's one you may borrow until you pick one up." Lane offered. "It is pretty marked up, but, still very readable," said Lane as he walked around his desk to hand it to him. It was a thick Bible, and very worn. ![]() "Thanks," said William. He looked back up at Lane expectedly. "Not a problem." Lane told William, I'll write down which one to get." "I thought they were all the same . . . " William said pensively. "No, they certainly aren't. I'll explain the difference at a later date." Lane said. Let me finish here with a couple of scriptures, and I'll be brief. I've already mentioned the death sentence of man upon man usually for a capital offense." William nodded. Lane continued. "Then, there's the Death Sentence of the soul. Check out what the Word of God says about man:"
Your body will die, but your soul lives forever. This is the Death Sentence attached to your soul.
"So you see, the soul will stand give an account for everything they did during their lifetime. One day, we will all stand before the Judgment seat of God."
"How do we fix it? How do we get off the hook of the Death Sentence? We must go to Him. And we must go through Him, because he stands at the door of our heart and knocks."
"So you see, the Door, the Way, the Truth and the Life, is Jesus Christ." Lane was winding down. He loved to talk scripture, and new he was getting into deep waters for William. William was extremely new to this, so he finished with John 3:5 - 18:
William was already familiar with John 3:16, and could quote it. He didn't understand it very much, but, he did believe it. What he really wanted, was to know more. If what the Bible said was really true, and he really believed, shouldn't this weight be lifted off his shoulders? Shouldn't the Death Sentence be removed? One thing William would learn is that although commuted, the death sentence was still there, and, could still claim his soul if he turned his back on God. There was one scripture that kept coming back to him over and over:
"If God was kind and loving enough to knock on my hearts door, then I'm sure gonna open the door to Him!" Lane broke through to him and brought him back to the present. He spoke softly and kindly to William. "William, are you ready to get rid of the Death Sentence?"
"Yes, I surely am! I've carried this weight too long already." "Then repeat this sinners prayer after me . . . " Lane finished.
"William was waiting for the change, the transformation of him from being unsaved to saved. "Is this all there is?" he thought. I don't feel anything, any change, any difference. I am so very disappointed." William thought.
"Now you are saved," Lane told William. "We'll talk more. In the meantime, study the Bible. Here's a hint; the Old Testament is before and fortells Christ, the New Testament tells about Christ and this wondrous salvation He wrought."
But it would be a while before William actually became "saved . . . "
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