
Chapter X

k agent Mathers," Dr. Kny-pel was saying.  "He's in good hands now.  I know William is in complete control of himself and his faculties, and there is no danger to me or anyone else for that matter at this time."

Len Mathers looked at Dr. Kny-pel curiously, then glanced at William.  William was studying Len's face and actions, and was puzzled by what he saw.  He didn't know what to make of it, but knew there was more to the story than he'd been allowed to know.

Also, he was puzzled as to what Dr. Kny-pel was saying.  What did he mean that I have complete control of myself now?  When did I not have complete control?  There was something about Dr. Kny-pel that just didn't seem right, and he made a mental note of it.

Len took too long of a time studying Dr. Kny-pel, then stated "When you get through this evening, please stop by my office for a debriefing.  I have a lot of reports that are of utmost importance that absolutely have to get to Washington."

"Sure thing agent Mathers.  We won't be long." At that, he deftly guided Williams shoulders around, and a little shove started him in the direction of the examination room.

Len had the good sense to have the examination room wired for sound and visual before William and Dr. Kny-pel arrived.  Then, while he was there, he had Williams original room wired the same.  He also had the suite into which William would eventually be placed wired as well.

Len also spent quite a bit of time with Sharon talking to her outside of knowledge of Dr. Kny-pel, confirming the report, learning all about what had happened to them since their arrival in Las Vegas.  The things they'd left in the clearing that they didn't ever think they would see again had been retrieved.  They'd even found the remote bomb tossed away by Will.

The entire area had been searched time and again, as well as covered with below ground sonar equipment.

Len had been relayed the comments made by the chopper pilot who had landed the search team.  He was very impressed that William was able to get the little plane out of the clearing.  It was an example of some extreme flying.  Sharon was proud of William, although she was still not understanding why they had not been reunited and stated the same.

Len explained to her that William was being completely examined by Dr. Kny-pel, and they would be renunited shortly.

She then said something which caused Len to be taken aback.  It was a confirmation of something he was feeling and investigating at that very moment.  But she flat out and simply stated, "you know, there's something about Dr. Kny-pel that is not right."

In order to keep Sharon from being alarmed, he did his best to not react negatively to the statement.  He was an admirer of Sharon, he did not in anyway want to risk getting her upset.

He admired her grace, poise, and her composure in situations in which lesser women would have 'come apart at the seams.'  He only knew of one other lady with this kind of strength and intestinal fortitude.  And that was Melinda.

Len was now back in his office in the huge Federal building there in Reno.  Just a few doors down William was being held.  He heard the fax machine ring, answer then start to print out pages.  It was quite a report and Len just let it print.  He would read it when it was printed in its entireity.

He was tired, very tired, being up nearly forty eight hours without much more than a catnap or two of sleep.  He settled down for a quick snooze, then he would read the fax.  A few hours later he awoke and noticing what time it was, the immediately left to go to a meeting.

He needed a shower and a decent shave.  Within a few minutes he was home and in his shower before remembering a fax lying in the machine forgotten in his half asleep stupor.  He had left without perusing the facsimile.

But it was a mistake that could very well cost him not only his life, but the lives of William, Sharon, and his beloved, Melinda Pierce.

The danger was mounting.  The stakes were getting higher by the moment.  The goal to untold riches seemingly getting closer and closer.  What he could never imagine was his own role in helping Dr. Kny-pel obtain his fiendish goals.  He would see a side of himself he never even knew existed.

That each one of us is capable of having our own flight or fight instinct brought to the forefront is really not as hard to understand as one might believe.  Another natural element of our human body can and usually is brought to bear at these times of ultimate or even percieved danger is adrenalin.

Len had often wondered about what had caused the old man Hastings to commit an act against nature as he had done.  Len would experience firsthand this very same bitter taste.  The one thing that will forego a man's own personal safety is the sense of responsibility and the need to protect those whom he loves.  Len Mathers would kill to protect Melinda Pierce.

Dr. Kny-pel sought to win by sublte, through the back door means. Len Mathers was a stand up belly button to belly button guy who didn't know the meaning of back up when it came to his own.  For this, he would pay dearly, and, for the rest of his life.

Len Mathers would have blood on his hands come sundown.

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Chapter X