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![]() Chapter IX | |
All he knew for certain at this point was that they were locked away, and, as far as he knew, they could have been reported as crashed, dead on the scene. Their parents could be flying to Reno right this instant to claim "their" remains. He thought about how hurt they'd be, and they'd never know for certain that these bodies they were burying would actually be their children. How to get a message . . . Two days later, William heard steps coming down the hall. There were two pairs of shoes. And these shoes were leather soled! The prior two days all he'd heard were the soft soled shoes such as those worn by hospital attendants. He'd listened as they delivered his meals through the little slots under the door. He had no proof they were actually in a hospital ward, he just had a sneaking suspicion. The hard soled shoes stopped in front of his cell, and William could hear muffled voices. His heart gave a little jump, as he thought he remembered one of the voices as a friendly. "A friendly?" He thought to himself. "These days he couldn't tell who was friendly or who wasn't! There were things going on of which William would learn very little. Len Mathers had consulted with Dr. Kny-pel and had been warned that William could be extremely violent, and that, very suddenly. Dr. Kny-pel also told Len that he, and he alone had the key with which to manipulate William, and that irrepairable damage could be done if attempted by someone other than himself. That was the reason Len treated William the way he did. It was also the reason they'd been strip searched as well. He'd been warned that if an x-ray had been taken of Williams body with the chip implanted, it could cause irrepairable damage. That was the reason he'd not had the physical, and therefore the implanted chip had not been discovered. Dr. Kny-pel had been careful to keep the conversation secret from even his most trusted coleagues. He did not want anyone telling Lane Wardlow of what was happening. He'd already lost William and Sharon once, and he wasn't about to lose them again! He was the cause of all the problems they were going through, but only two men knew that! And one of them had died the morning he let William and Sharon get away. His charred body was found with that of a woman in a burned out house on the edge of town. Detective Chris James messed up big time when he went up against the likes of William Travis. William had simply managed to out think him, and created a huge distraction. Since William had seen the detective, Dr. Kny-pel had to silence him. That way he'd be made to look like he was "seeing" things. "Too bad the detective messed up," Dr. Kny-pel thought to himself. What William had gone through on his first night in Vegas was almost for naught. He'd planned so carefully to set William up, figuring William would have retained the pistol. That way he could easily have fingered William and had him put away for good for the murder of Connie Ellis, Dr. Kny-pel's own girlfriend. She'd gotten nosy as to the goings on in the original trial, but Dr. Kny-pel was able to squash her curiosity for the time being. William would recognize her later in some pictures on the wall of Dr. Kny-pel. Sharon would too, but Sharon knew her a lot more than Dr. Kny-pel was to realize. And, he wouldn't know it until it was much too late. So, Dr. Kny-pel had an unknown hit man take the Detective out. Dr. Kny-pel made arrangements with a mafia contact with which he'd grown up. He'd made payment in the same manner. He thought, because of Chris James, he'd lost his goose who laid the golden egg, but, it was readily handed back to him by the government of the United States! He'd already made plans to have Connie removed from his worries, and had actually already had the contract taken out. But, when he found out that William and Sharon were going to spend some time in Vegas, his plans had changed. It took him a while to figure out the details, but they were good plans! William was supposed to have gone off his rocker, escaped to a place where he kills a woman (Connie Ellis). He then was to be found with the murder weapon thereby implicating and sealing his fate. Then, he would have ben remanded over to him (Dr. Kny-pel) for testing and treatment. In prison the Dr. would have all the time in the world to get the information as well as the place, the medications and whatever else. As it turned out, he was having to plan his method of operations. And now, he thought he had it. In the end Will would have somehow escaped and been found dead by suicide. But now he was pressed for time. In the meantime, Dr. Kny-pel would be able to to unwind all the codes and processes within the mind of William, then after secreting all the info away, allowed him 'escape' could certainly and easily create a place for him to be "found" dead. "Nice little package!" Dr. Kny-pel thought to himself. But there were variables of which he could not discern the manner in which they'd go down, and thereby, nearly lost his chance at that 'Goose.' So it was by mere chance that he was having this second chance at Williams codes. He was sure and certain that William had the original set of codes somewhere, but he certainly could not find out in the courtroom! Had he learned that while in the courtroom, the very man who he had duped only yesterday about William being possbily violent, would have taken them away and that, forthwith! And now, here he was. Able to make a full effort that all the codes were absolved from Williams entangled brain. And all at the expense of the government! What a wonderful thing has befallen me! It must be fate that has smiled on me to allow all these good fortunes to shine on me! But, the very first thing he must do was to gain the company of that gorgeous auburn haired girl! He'd noticed her the very first time he'd seen her in the Santa Barbara courtroom. He noticed she was wearing the same engagement ring on her finger that she now wore. And, if he was not mistaken, Len had introduced her as Melinda Pierce, his fiance. Well, if Dr. Kny-pel had anything to do with it, Melinda Pierce would not be the fiance of Len Mathers very long! He would see to that! He had means and ways of getting what he wanted, and he wanted that girl! So what if she was fourteen years his junior? He was so enamoured of Melinda Pierce he would be willing to risk everything to have her. But there was something Dr. Kny-pel did not know about Melinda Pierce that Len Mathers did know! She would never have turned toward another man, simply because he knew her upbringing. She was a christian of devout faith, her parents some of the best people Len had ever known, and they had raised her up strict, and taught her diligently. She'd given her heart to God at a young age, and had been faithful ever since. So, if Dr. Kny-pel was to ever get her to come to him, it would have been completely coerced and against her will. She just would have never done it any other way, unless, she'd been drugged and/or hypnotized. If that were to happen, Len Mathers would know it, and he'd come hunting, and come loaded for bear! ![]() But, Len Mathers wasn't a pushover neither! He had also given his heart to the Lord at an early age, and had been reared accordingly. And he was smart. And already, there were things that Dr. Kny-pel had told him that didn't make a lot of sense. Discrepencies; like during the trial, Dr. Kny-pel had stated that it was impossible for William to ever do anything like the murders again, but now William was unstable and could "come apart at the seams," but Len knew William to be a gentle man, never in trouble with the law, never striking out when he could have. Even though he was in a hypnotic trance. There was more. Dr. Kny-pel stated that no one could ever hypnotize William again, but now, William could have already been hypnotized again. Then, only he had the codes to unlock the monster within Will. Dr. Kny-pel also claimed during the trial that Will was not unstable especially after being debriefed while under hypnosis, and now he was unstable? Len Mathers was beginning to smell a rat. He was looking at several equations at once. First, he was looking at the whole thing from the point of National Secuirty. He was first, an FBI agent. He did not believe everything he was told. He was trained to dicipher what and how people were saying and acting. He also had the means to investigate and dig around Dr. Kny-pel's own back door! With William incarcerated and at his disposal, Dr. Kny-pel had a free shot at getting all he wanted out of William. And Dr. Kny-pel was getting careless now that he thought he had Len Mathers buffaloed. With his office in Santa Barbara closed for one full month, he could spend one hundred percent of his time here. Not only that, he was working for the government on this case, and he was not bashful about charging. So, he thought to himself. "I'm getting the codes that will make me rich beyond measure, control hundreds, or even thousands of people. Once under my program, they will be nothing but robots clothed with flesh. I can have anything or anyone I want." His mind returned to the lovely Melinda Pierce. She will be on my arm 'toot sweet!' (in other words, quickly). Dr. Kny-pel had plenty of planning to do. And he had to put this plan into action. William heard the keys rattle, then inserted into the door. He then stood at the back side of the little cell because by this time, he trusted no one, especially the fed, Len Mathers. Will had no way of knowing that the friend was not in Dr. Kny-pel who stood there smiling, but actually, in Len Mathers. Will instantly recognized Dr. Kny-pel, and felt a friendship and trust toward him. He shook Dr. Kny-pel's hand greeted him warmly and asked "why am I being treated like this, and when can I get out of here." "Well, William." Dr. Kny-pel paused, looked him right in the eye, and said "it doesn't look real good right now, but, let me work on it." "Will you find out about Sharon and at least get us togther?" William asked. "And will you get a hold of Lane Wardlow for me?" "Sure," Dr. Kny-pel lied. "I'll get started working on it as soon as I get out of here, and we'll see some results right away!" Finally, William thought he had an ally. He'd been denied a lawyer since this was a matter of national security. Will didn't know that the regular laws of the land could be overidden at the whim of a single FBI agent. Inside the limitless corridors of the Federal Government, people are lost everyday, never to be heard from again. That's why he had been treated as he had. Someone had given a Fed (federal agent), a reason to think he was a risk to the security of this nation, and he was simply 'cacooned.' Period. That's the only way to describe it. ![]() No lawyer, no rights, no hundred dollar Nikes, no carpet, no color television . . . just a three by five cell and a little hole in the corner. Nothing was in the room. Not even a mat on which to sleep. It was enough to drive anyone bonkers, and, it was having its effect on William. He could see nothing, but Dr. Kny-ple could see him! He grieved for his wife, that she was probably having a real hard time with all this. But, she was in a room similar to a motel suite. Her only problem was she was away from William and had no contact with the outside world. But Melinda Pierce had befriended her, and soon learned a lot about her, especially since she had FBI files and all their means of researching people. She was beginning to smell a rat too! Sharon was in here wrongly. There was absolutely no reason in the world for her to be here except that she 'might' know tidbits of information about William that could be gleaned from her. Sharon would be subjected to hypnosis though by Dr. Kny-pel before she was freed. And Dr. Kny-pel would insist that the lovely Melinda Pierce be present . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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