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![]() Chapter VII | |
"Reno Approach, this is Cherokee niner niner three Foxtrot Mike inbound to Reno Municipal with information November," Will said as he called the airport. He then waited for a response and instructions. The response was immediate. "Cherokee niner niner three Foxtrot Mike, please switch to 1.33 and squawk 2311 and ident. William repeated the instructions back as he'd received them "Cherokee niner niner three Foxtrot Mike, switching to 1.33, squawk 2311 and ident." He then made the necessary changes to his radios and transponder then hit the 'ident' button. The ATIS had changed twice since he'd first received the local information. William then contacted the tower as instructed. "Cherokee niner niner three Foxtrot Mike, inbound with information Quebec. Requesting runway and landing permission and instructions." ![]() "Cherokee niner niner three Foxtrot Mike, we have you on radar. You are cleared for straight in approach, runway three four right." "Man," thought William. "These guys are quick and efficient." He contacted tower again. "This is Cherokee niner niner three Foxtrot Mike. Landing three four right. Request fuel truck and service truck." "Cherokee niner niner three Foxtrot Mike, taxi to Wright's Exxon Aviation. Use exit "B" straight across and turn right. " the tower responded. "Thank you Reno Tower. Cherokee niner niner three Foxtrot Mike, entering short final for runway 34." After touchdown and run out, William exited on "B" as instructed, then transmitted. "This is Cherokee niner niner three Foxtrot Mike. Down and clear the runway." "Cherokee niner niner three Foxtrot Mike, contact ground control at 1.88." The tower's finish was concise. After switching his radio over to the instructed frequency, Will keyed his mike again. "Reno ground, this is Cherokee niner niner three Foxtrot Mike bound for Wrights Exxon." "Cherokee niner niner three Foxtrot Mike, proceed," ground control responded. Then, Will got a call from another source. "Cherokee niner niner three Foxtrot Mike, this is Agent Dave Marshall of the FAA. There's been a search effort out looking for you. Come to FAA headquarters next tower entrance prior to going to Wrights Exxon. We have some questions for you." "Cherokee niner niner three Foxtrot Mike, understand. Taxiing to FAA headquarters. Be there shortly." William turned as directed toward the tower and the FAA building. When he was close, he pulled the fuel mixture out on the plane, the engine sputtered to a stop, and the plane coasting into position. He braked at instructions from the parking attendant. Sharon opened the door, stepped out on the wing to allow William egress. He then stepped down to the ground and looked back up into the face of loveliness. Sharon's beauty then turned into a scowl when she saw the heavy taxiing across the tarmac. ![]() Will looked around and saw the heavy. It was the same one they saw landing in Santa Barbara. Usually they wouldn't notice a plane but this one had unique markings. On the fuselage behind the heavy gullwing door painted in freehand style like you'd see on a WWII fighter, was the image of the Grim Reaper in full color . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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