Artie & Gertie May Shelton

Artie & Gertie Shelton

Elijah "Lige" Shelton

Father to Artie Shelton

Artie Siblings

Julia Ann (Rice) Shelton
wife to James Shelton
Artie Shelton's Grandmother
1846 - 1915

The Artie Shelton Family

Family Member Names

(Picture about 1960)

(Move mouse over faces for names.)
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Arthur (Artie) Shelton Genealogy

Arthur Douglas 'Artie'Shelton 05/26/1902 - 12/22/1991    Gertie May Collier  10/25/1904 - 06/12/1984    Wed: 08/26/1922
      Burl Elijah Shelton  05/02/1923 - 03/15/2014  Erma Ree Guthrie  11/01/1925 - 00/00/00  Wed: 06/13/1942
                Billy     05/17/1943 - 00/00/00   Rita Marse  00/00/00   married 00/00/00
                     Billy Jr  
                Darrel     07/15/1945 - 00/00/00    Ginger Mode  00/00/00   married 00/00/00
                Patricia Graves    08/00/00 - 00/00/00    Randel Graves  00/00/00   married 00/00/00
                     Gayla Graves
                     Teresa Graves
                     Tina    08/10/00
      Buell David Shelton   08/10/1924 - 10/27/2018     Jeanetta 08/24/1926 - 00/00/00   married 04/17/45
                Sharon Shelton  01/00/00      Ralph Crain  00/00/00     married 00/00/00
                Jim Shelton      07/22/1947    Doris   00/00/00     married 00/00/00
                Diane Shelton    00/00/00 -  Jackie Fraize  00/00/00   married 00/00/00
                Marilyn Shelton    04/05/1951    Rob Simpson  00/00/00   married 00/00/00
                Barbara Shelton     02/19/1953   Barry Jernigan  00/00/00   married 00/00/00
                Rita Shelton  00/00/00   Gary Hogard  00/00/00   married 00/00/00
      Claybourne Earl Shelton 07/01/1926 - 09/07/1990   Christine S Parrish - 01/19/1930 - 00/00/00  married 07/00/47
                Margaret  Shelton    05/19/1948             Ronnie Phipps  00/00/00      married 05/20/65 
      Norman Artie Shelton  08/29/1928 - 01/04/2018     Donnie Louise Cordell  11/15/1930     married  7/21/1947
                Larry     08/14/1948 - 06/05/2005   Stirlene  00/00/00   married 00/00/00
                      Larry Allen
                      Amy Lynn
                 Karen  (Shelton) Allen  03/10/1951  Danny Turner  00/00/00   married 00/00/00      
                 Dana     08/05/1953 - 00/00/00   Bill Street  00/00/00   married 03/16/1973
                      Julie Street       Shane Crawford
                      Jill Street            Terry Gaylon
                 Keith    00/00/00  Cindy Morrow  00/00/00   married 03/11/00
                      Michael Shelton
       Melda Mae Shelton  07/14/1933 - 02/02/2019   George Earl Cavaness  02/21/32 - 03/01/2011    married 09/07/1949
                George Earl Cavaness Jr.   04/12/1951      Judy Elaine Ruth  06/25/53       Married 11/06/1970
                      Teresa Gail Cavaness  07/08/1972      Michael Lee Mullings 04/08/1972     married 06/19/96
                           Audrey Nicole Mullings   12/21/1998    Bryson Parriott   02/18/1993    married  05/05/2018
                             Alyssa Denae Mullings  08/20/2001
                      Mark Earl Cavaness  10/14/75    Melanie Tenney  1/29/76    married 10/07/06
                             Morgan Edward Cavaness  04/23/08
                             Myles Ethan Cavaness  12/16/10
                     Matthew William Cavaness   03/15/1978   Julianna Fite  May 07/08/1993     married 02/24/2018
                             Makayla Leann Cavaness 05/27/04
                             Haley Lenae Cavaness  04/29/08
                Betty Sue Cavaness 6/2/53       Roger Black  10/12/50        married  10/01/72
                      Richard Allen Black   09/23/69        Shawna  Delart 11/22/70    married  12/01/1990
                             Jordan 07/31/95
                      Shelly Renee Black Stewart   08/22/70      Eddie Stewart   07/20/     married 02/17/90
                             Stephanie  10/29/92
                             Dallen Stewart   07/16/94
                             Shalyce Stewart   02/21/97
                      Sonja Lynette Black Hall  10/26/72        Carl Hall     06/22/   married  2/2/2001
                             Tiffany  Pitcher    11/24/94
                             Todd Hall  Pitcher    12/28/95
                             Taylor Hall 11/29/03
                      Christopher Dallen Black   01/06/83         Casey Doty 01/13/82     married   07/12/03
                             Siscylie  Black   07/24/04
                             Zaddyn  09/29/07
               Sherry Ann  Cavaness    01/21/1957     married 00/00/0000
                      Jennifer Stewart Perryman  08/16/1975       Sean Perryman    02/19/0000          married  07/05/2008
                           Brooklyn   08/11/1998
                      Joseph McCoy     02/19/1980  (Chicago, Ill)    Larissa Warnell   00/00/0000       married  00/00/00
						   Kaddin McCoy       04/15/2012
                      Melissa Ann McCoy  09/30/1981      Dustin Cole     married 00/00/0000
                           Austin   08/20/1998
                           Kiara     04/29/2005
               Joey Cleveland Cavaness   01/17/1959     04/24/2005
      Wayne Shelton  07/24/1935      Shirley Little 00/00/00        married 00/00/00
                Steve  Shelton                           Karen Shelton                     
                Tammy Shelton             Dewayne Presson             
      Dewey Darrel Shelton     08/01/1937           Betty Keller   00/00/00        married 00/00/00
                Allan  Shelton
                         Matthew Shelton
                         Ashley  Shelton
                David Shelton
                        Brittny  Shelton
                        Lindsey Shelton
      Avis Ruth Shelton  12/20/1941 - 11/16/1988     Murl Adams    00/00/00        married 00/00/00
                Lori     05/19/00     00/00/00   married 00/00/00
                       Andrew Cavaness
                       Ashley Cavaness   08/13/1993
                       Aubrey Cavaness
      Doyne Lee Shelton     12/11/1945    Joanne  Qualls    00/00/00        married 00/00/00
                Cindy Shelton    05/15/197     Kevin Travis    00/00/00   married 09/04/1989
                       Blake Travis    07/31/1992
                       Sydney Travis
                       Taylor Travis
                Pam     03/08/1972 - 00/00/00 Spouse  00/00/00   married 00/00/00
                Nathan Shelton     00/00/00    Spouse  00/00/00   married 00/00/00
                Angela Dawn Shelton11/19/1975-11/19/1975
      Byron Lyndal Shelton  12/19/1949 - 00/00/00   Sandra Toone  00/00/00     married 00/00/00
                Resa Shelton Vester    04/28/00     Kendall Vester  00/00/00     married 00/00/00
                      Cameron Vester    00/00/00
                      Landen Vester    00/00/00
                Devin Shelton  10/12/1984      Shaun Poe  06/02/1984   married 08/04/2007

Artie Born Into:

Births Relation Name Origin Deaths

00/00/0000 Father Elijah Shelton 00/00/0000
00/00/0000 Mother Willie (Utely) Shelton 00/00/0000
00/00/0000 Sister Ruth (Shelton) {Willie Utely - mother} Clay County AR 00/00/0000
00/00/0000 Brother Sam Shelton {Willie Utely - mother} Clay County AR 00/00/0000
05/26/1902 Self Artie Shelton {Willie Utely - mother} Clay County AR 12/22/1922
00/00/0000 1/2 Brother Willie (Bill) Stokes {Mary Stokes - mother} 00/00/0000
00/00/0000 1/2 Sister Lura {Mary Stokes - mother} 00/00/0000
00/00/0000 1/2 Brother Everette {Mary Stokes - mother} 00/00/0000
00/00/0000 1/2 Sister Veda {Mary Stokes - mother} 00/00/0000
00/00/0000 1/2 Sister Clola {Mary Stokes - mother} 00/00/0000

Elijah "Lige" Shelton       -     Father of Arthur (Artie) Shelton

Elijah "Lige" Shelton

Gertie Born Into The David &Nora Collier Family

Births Relation Name Origin Deaths

00/00/0000 Father David Daniel Collier 00/00/0000
00/00/0000 Mother Nora (McCoy) Collier 00/00/0000
00/00/0000 Sister Bertha 00/00/0000
00/00/0000 Brother Burl "Verlie" Collier 00/00/0000
00/00/0000 Sister Earlene (Collier) Burkhart 00/00/0000
00/00/0000 Sister Iva (Collier) Mullanax 00/00/0000
10/25/1904 Self Gertie May (Collier) Shelton 06/12/1984
00/00/0000 Sister Eudora (Collier) Wallace 00/00/0000
00/00/0000 Sister Ola (Collier) Sey 00/00/0000

Click for larger pict & names
Click for larger pict

Note of Interest:
Gertie May Shelton's grandmother was named Melissa Ann McCoy.  Unbeknownst to her Grandaughter, Cheryl Ann McCoy, Cheryl named her daughter, Melissa Ann.  Thus, there were six generations between them.

It went like this: Melissa Ann McCoy, Nora (McCoy) Collier, Gertie May (Collier) Shelton, Melda May (Shelton ) Cavaness, Cheryl Ann (Cavaness) McCoy, Melissa Ann McCoy.

The Shelton Coat of Arms

What is a coat of arms?

A family crest or coat of arms has been a symbol of a family’s values since ancient times. Originally used to identify a warrior dressed in armor, each knight chose colors and symbols to distinguish themselves. These coats of arms have been passed down through generations.

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History of the name - Shelton

The name Shelton is of Anglo Saxons.  Anglo-Saxon origin and came from when the family lived in the township of Shelton found in five counties in England.  Bedfordshire, Norfolk, Nottinghamshire, Salop and Staffordshire all had townships by the name of Shelton.  This place-name was originally derived by the Old English elements 'scylf' and 'tun,' which denoted a ledge or plateau in the landscape.  It is only in the last few hundred years that the English language has been standardized.

For that reason, early Anglo-Saxon surnames like Shelton are characterized by many spelling variations. As the English language changed and incorporated elements of other European languages, even literate people changed the spelling of their names.  Scribes and monks in the Middle Ages spelled names they sounded, so it is common to find several variations that refer to a single person.

The variations of the name Shelton include: Shelton, Sheltone, Sheldon and others.  First found in where they held a family seat from early times and their first records appeared on the census rolls taken by the ancient Kings of Britain to determine the rate of taxation of their subjects.

Ancient origin of the name (usually pre-1100).

Many English families tired of political and religious strife left Britain for the new colonies in North America.  Although the trip itself offered no relief - conditions on the ships were extremely cramped, and many travelers arrived diseased, starving, and destitute - these immigrants believed the oppurtunities that awaited them were worth the risks.

Once in the colonies, many of the families did indeed prosper and, in turn, made significant contributions to the culture and economies of the growing colonies.  An inquiry into the early roots of North American families has revealed a number of immigrants bearing the name Shelton or a variant listed above:

Richard and Francis Shelton who settled in Virginia in 1638; Samuel Shelton settled in Barbados with his servants in 1680. Samuel and Esther Shelton settled in Boston Massachusetts in 1765 with Hannah;

Suggested Readings for the name Shelton.

Sheldons at Bicentennial by Keith M. Sheldon. Descendants of Jessee Shelton and Some Related Families by Cecil Shelton, Ralph Shelton Family in Early Virginia by Frank H. Shelton.

Some noteworthy people of the name Shelton:
Dr. Herbert M. Shelton (1895-1985), US-American health educator;
Ian Keith Shelton (b. 1957), Canadian astronomer famous for discovering SN 1987A, the first modern supernova close and bright enough to be visible to the naked eye;
William Shelton, British Politician; Norman Shelton, New Zealand Politician.

Research revealed the Shelton family crest in the most recognized sources.  Before an artist or craftsman can render a family crest, it must exist.  In other words the crest must have been designed and recorded by the heralds from time immemorial.

Heraldic designs matriculated by the lay-artist in many cases becomes uninspired, meretricious and even ugly . . .

Many of the symbols adopted into armory have been used since the time of the ancient Egyptians, but heraldry itself did not begin until the 11th century.  In continental Europe, the most ancient recorded family crest was discovered upon the monumental effigy of a Count of Wasserburg in the church of St. Emeran, at Ratisobon, Germany . . .

Family Crest Elements:

In the Shelton coat of arms as in all coat of arms, the crest is only one element of the full armorial achievement.  Again the Family Crest is just part of the story of Coats of Arms or Heraldry.  Heraldry is defined as the hereditary art or science of blazoning, the description is appropriate technical terms of Coats-of-Arms and other heraldic and armorial insignia, and is of very ancient origin . . .

Sheltons in the Woodland Heights Cemetary

Shelton, Angela Dawn 11/19/1975 11/19/1975 Shelton, Author Douglas "Artie" 5/26/1902 12/22/1992 Shelton, Avis Ruth (Adams) 12/20/1941 - 11/16/1988 Shelton, Buell David 08/10/1924 - 10/27/2018 Shelton, Burl Elijah 05/02/1923 - 03/15/2014 Shelton, Charles Hampton 1895/11/08 02/12/1971 Shelton, Christine S. (Parrish) 1/19/1930 00/00/00 Shelton, Claybourne Earl 7/1/1926 9/7/1990 Shelton, David Neal 12/28/1963 12/16//2001 Shelton, Dewey Ezra 00/001905 6/25/1988 Shelton, Evelyn Jean 1/19/1924 1/14/1973 Shelton, Dewey Ezra Shelton, Freddie Luther 9/14/1911 6/6/1978 Shelton, Gertie M 10/25/1904 06/12/1984 Shelton, Janetta (Harmon) 09/24/1926 11/11/2018 Shelton, Jewell Audrey (Nelson) 9/2/1923 1/20/1991 Shelton, Kenneth James 8/9/1920 09/26/1996 Shelton, Lillian Mae Boyd 8/6/1900 03/6/1977 Shelton, Marion Clyde 10/11/1918 12/24/1992 Shelton, Mary Earlene (Wagster) 10/28/1920 07/20/2011 Shelton, Norman Artie 08/29/1928 - 01/04/2018 Shelton, Ruby Lee (Klutts) 06/26/1914 03/05/2006 (aged 91)

Sheltons in the Mounds Cemetary

Shelton, James Eugene,    Dec 27, 1930  -  May 12, 1932
Shelton, Thomas Ervin,  June 30, 1043  -  July 4, 1943
Shelton, J.W.  Feb 2, 1867  -  Aug 7, 1945
Shelton,  Nora A.  Oct 5,1873  -  Nov 12, 1948

George Cavaness

  Artie & Gertie Shelton
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